This “cactus juice” was made with agave. That’s a photo of a saguaro on the label. It tasted like a mixture of tequila and triple sec.

I thought that this exploded burrito looked pretty grotesque. I like taking unappetizing photos of food.

Remember that crystal growing kit? Well, this is the amazing result. Yay.
I think that is didn’t work out so well because Tucson’s water is already half rocks, so the chemical reaction didn’t happen properly.

I will always maintain that Jim Varney was a great actor who was never really given his chance to shine.

You have to be careful gluing glasses back together, because sometimes glue will react strangely to plastic frames. One of the glues I tried basically melted the acrylic in these.

I burnt the pumpkin seeds this year and was very sad.

In some towns, they make you use a light bulb instead of a candle for your jack o’ lantern. Those are the worst towns.

Snow shovel prominently featured, because Canada.

My cellphone’s camera sucks sometimes. And it sucks the rest of the time, too.

It’s a moody photo of some Mini-Wheats. Welcome to Hipstertown.

This is the pink wheel from the spinning fidget thingy I keep on my desk.

I had a store credit for the Dell store and the only thing I even remotely wanted was this Logitech G600 MMO Gaming Mouse.
It’s way too big for my tiny girl hand.

This is a glasses screwdriver, because I am a nerd what wears glasses

Always wear earplugs to rock concerts, kiddies. You can replace your teeth, but you can’t replace your ears.

I made a scarf with this yarn!

This photo is terrible. It’s only here because I can’t throw anything away.

I keep ordering drinks and I keep getting tools, instead.

Wow. You can’t see any of the detail in this macro photo!

I have so many USB adapters and they’re all terrible.

Stella Artois: the Pabst of imported beers.
Well, that was 20 photos and 20 is a number that I like, so, BYE!