D-d-d-dump! Instagram dump!

There were a lot of large, solid chunks of ice in this snowbank. This was really annoying to dig through.

I found this ancient box of Baker’s Chocolate in my dead grandmother’s cupboard. It must be forty-years-old, or more!

This is a knockoff Pandora bracelet bead. It cost me about $0.07 from an online craft store. A real Pandora bead will cost you about $100 and be the exact same thing.

I believe one of these pills was ibuprofen and the other was vitamin d.

These are knitting needles. I’m into old lady crafts.

Rings are my favourite kind of jewellery. They’re hard to find for me, though, because my hands are really tiny.

It’s my sim card ejection tool, that I have somehow magically not managed to lose yet.

It’s a rubber band. Yup.

They need to invent some sort of device for protecting zippers in the wash, because mine are always breaking long before my clothes wear out.

I never use paper clips. I just put all my papers in a giant pile on my desk.

I have no idea what this tool is for. It came in a manicure set, so I guess it’s for scraping gunk out from under your nails?

This is loratadine. I need loratadine to survive April through October. I am allergic to grass. Seriously.

I have a bunch of different styles of glasses. I have no idea what are the proper drinks to pour into them.

This is chickened thighs cooked with onions. It tasted good.

This is a darning needle. I’ve never darned anything.

These are a bunch of different earbud tips. They always give you a bunch of different sizes when you buy earbuds and I can never throw them out.

In some places, the snowbank was taller than me this winter. It was really depressing.

You can see the reflection of my cellphone and hands in the battery.

I eat a lot of carrots, but I’m not orange, yet.

I had two beers.
This is the end. Go away.