My Instagram is overflowing with photos again, so I’m going to make you look at them.

It’s some chipped paint. This is interesting.

I got tired of my underpants riding up my ass, so I bought some boxer shorts.

I made this frozen banana and blueberry goop with my Yonanas. It was very tasty.

I made some spicy ribs and then played with the bare bones afterwards.

There’s something wrong with me.

I just looked in up and these are the berries of the rowan tree. I didn’t taste them because I thought they were poisonous, but they’re edible. My policy is to leave wild berries for the birds, instead of eating them myself, though.

This phone was really bad with blurry things constantly.

Hey look! It’s my autism!

This is supposed to represent the circle of life… or something.

This poutine was pretty tasty, but you can get fresh poutine from a restaurant for the same price.

I drink too much diet pop.

Arranging this and taking this photo was a really good use of my time.

It’s speculoos cookies ground up and made spreadable. I ate the whole jar with a spoon.

I can never find a good Indian restaurant near where I live.

These cheeseburger spring rolls were really bizarre and greasy. They also had pickles and mustard inside.

I mixed Hutchison’s Ginger Wine and Diet Dr. Pepper together. I saw through time.

Yep. Gingerbread-flavoured Peeps. Peeps always make me feel sick to my stomach. These were no exception.

Does anybody ever save part of a chocolate bar for later? Why in the world would a chocolate bar wrapper have to be resealable ever?

Jimmy Dean Blueberry Pancakes & Sausage On A Stick doesn’t actually have any blueberries in it. It’s just corn syrup dyed purple. They’re pretty damn gross. Americans are weird.

Larry the Cable Guy branded food, eh? Are the biscuits 75% forearm hair, then?
That is all for today! Go eat something gross! That’s what I’m going to do!