Instagram Dump #3

What!? More photos from my Instagram account? What is this, some sort of miracle?

a photo of a bag of president's choice world of flavours maple bacon potato chips

Welcome to Canada, where we put maple syrup on everything.

a photo of a barbie doll labelled "fashion stamper tampon mode"

I thought that “Fashion Stamper Tampon Mode” sounded funny. I am a child.

a photo of a television sitting on a table in the forest

This weird photo was for a project I ended up not doing. Hey, look, you can see me in the reflection on the TV screen.

a photo of a purple and white pansy

I like buying those hanging baskets of pansies from the grocery store and murdering them through my horticultural ineptitude.

a photo of some pink crabapple blossoms, there is a beetle hidden amongst the petals

If you look closely, you can see a little bug dude hanging out in these blossoms.

a photo of some white crabapple blossoms

These are pretty much the same as the previous crabapple blossoms, only these ones are more whiter and junk.

a photo of some wild strawberry blossoms

Wild strawberries are very tasty, but I like to leave them for the birds.

a photo of some lily-of-the-valley flowers

Lily-of-the-valley flowers are so cute. They smell good too.

a photo two dandelion flowers, one of the flowers is only partially open

I always thought that dandelions were very pretty and they’re much more interesting than a boring homogeneous lawn.

a photo of some forget-me-not flowers

I totally forgot these flowers.

a photo of some lilac flowers

In certain suburbs, there are some many lilac bushes that the smell can become overpowering. I think it’s places where lots of old ladies live. Old ladies love lilacs.

a photo of a tick in a ziploc baggy

I found this gross tick on my doggy. Apparently, you’re supposed save ticks that bite you or your pet, because they can autopsy them to look for diseases. It means that you have to keep a bag with a gross dead tick sitting around your house, though.

a photo of a bunch of yellow no name products sitting on a counter

No Name does too make good food. I am not cheap or anyhing. *shifty eyes*

a photo of a can of flakes of ham sitting on a can of flakes of chicken sitting on a can of flakes of turkey sitting on a counter
So many flakes!

Is there a meat they can’t flake?

a photo of a crack in some cement

Yep. That sure is a crack alright.

a photo of a hand holding an orange with a sequoia sticker on it

Oranges are nutritious and junk. Is the nail on my thumb too long here? I don’t know from nail grooming.

a photo of ten different coloured pens lined up

These are crap for drawing with and crap for writing with.

a photo of a deer faraway in a field

Can you spot the deer in this field? I can’t.

a photo of a giant container of market pantry puffed cheese balls

My older brother got me this giant thing of cheese puffs from Target for my birthday, because my brother is weird. Anyway, there is no more Target in Canada, but I still have a bunch of their cheese puffs to eat.

a photo of a broken zipper on a brown boot

Why are the zippers on things always breaking on me? These boots weren’t even that old. Is it because they’re using crappy nylon zippers, now, instead of metal ones?

20 more photos, but still many more to go…

Instagram Dump #2

Hey! Who wants to see some more of my terrible, terrible Instagram photography? Everybody! Everybody, that’s who!

a photo of white toy cars and some white cans of paint

This was from some weird project called “Chameleon Cars”. You were supposed to match cars with their surroundings. Well, you supposed to use actual cars. I used toy cars instead, just to be a smartass.

a photo of two green toy cars in some grass
That’s not a road!

The grass had not been mown in a while…

a photo of a yellow toy car sitting on a yellow volleyball
sports car on a sports ball

I think that that volleyball was used once before it was thrown into a corner of the garage and forgotten.

a photo of a black toy car sitting on the tire of a car

You can sort of see me in the reflection there.

a photo of a raffi bananaphone liner for a cassette case

Bananaphone nearly drove our mother to murder us. Raffi is the devil.

a photo of a glass of orange soda

Is orange soda or grape soda the greatest soda? I will drink both!

a photo of three AA batteries

Gotta love that ring on the table…

a photo of an artificial christmas tree decorated with chili lights

My mom told me to decorate our family’s crappy fake Christmass tree, so I put my chili lights on it. She did not appreciate this.

a photo of a fully-decorated artificial christmas tree

And here is the same Christmas tree decorated “properly”. Bleh.

a photo of a The Real Ghostbusters screaming heroes peter venkman and slimer toy

This a Real Ghostbusters toy. It’s much better than a Fake Ghostbusters toy.

a photo of some black briefs and some blue boxers

These are the underpants I got for Christmas in 2012.

a photo of a canon rebel t2i camera

Hey, it’s the DSLR I got myself so that I could take better photos, but I still mostly use my crappy cellphone, because, unlike this big guy, I can fit a cellphone in my purse.

a photo of a blacked boot laced-up with a brown lace

I broke the laces on one of my Doc Martens and the only laces I had to replace them were brown. I was so ashamed of myself.

a photo of a Chewbacca toy

This is a Chewbacca toy, I guess. I think… It might be a bootleg.

a photo of a weird decoration with three cats doing a strange salute

I saw this weird thing in a thrift store. It might be a candle holder? Anyway, the cats look like they’re doing a Nazi salute.

a photo of a darth vader doll wearing bunny ears
Luke, I am your bunny!

It’s a Darth Vader doll wearing bunny ears for Easter! Why is this a thing that exists? I blame Disney.

a photo of a package of thrills gum

This is Thrills Gum. It tastes like soap. Don’t ask. It’s a Canadian thing.

a photo of a box of cadbury creme egg snack cakes

These hardly tasted like Cadbury Creme Eggs at all.

a photo of a mobility scooter at a walmart
Riding in style!

I wonder, if you swabbed the seat on one these Walmart scooters, what kind of horrible germs would you find?

a photo of a plate of olives, turkey, peas, potatoes and stuffing covered in gravy

This was Easter Dinner 2013. It was very tasty.

Whelp, that’s all for this post. I think I’m going to limit the dumps to twenty photos. Yeah, that seems like a good number.

Instagram Dump #1

I don’t really trust other websites with my files, so I’m backing up my Instagram photos here. A lot of these are complete crap, but I was unable to decide on a methodology for determining which ones should stay or go, so I’m uploading them all.

a photograph of a cake covered with white icing

I made this cake for my birthday. It had to be a gluten-fee cake, because my brother, Alex, has celiac disease.

a photo of a banana sitting on a counter

I thought it was really weird just how straight this banana was.

a photo of a usb to ps/2 adapter attached to a ps/2 to midi adapter

It’s a USB to PS/2 adapter attached to a PS/2 to MIDI adapter. I couldn’t get anything to work when attached to this configuration.

a photo of the sign for the forty creek distillery

Fun Fact: I passed out on a tour of the Forty Creek Distillery, because I had been fed recalled beef the night before. At least I didn’t die of listeria!

a photo of a purple fleabane flower outside

This is fleabane. It doesn’t really keep fleas away.

a photo of a plastic dagger to go with a women's halloween costume

What’s the difference between a she-dagger and a he-dagger?

a photo of a watch with its chain draped into a wine glass

This is my first-ever arst-fartsy Instagram photo. DOESN’T IT SUCK?

a photo of some paint cans and yard tools on a deck

These are some crude, yet mystical, digging tools.

a photo of a silk flower, a toy pig and a pearl necklace

The pig really ties this whole composition together.

a photo of a bolt, sitting on a step, with rays of sunlight shining on it

I wonder where this bolt came from? Something probably has compromised structural integrity now.

a photo of an eight of cups tarot card

The Eight of Cup tarot card means that we’re all doomed. DOOMED!

a photo of a bunch of bags of naked barbies hanging in a thrift store

Who the Hell would want to buy a bunch of janky, old naked Barbies?

a photo of a box of president's choice bran flakes cereal

Yep. That sure is a box of bran flakes.

a photo of five different pairs of glasses lined up

I have owned a lot of different pairs of glasses in my life.

a photo five different pairs of glasses lined up from a different angle

Why am I so blind?

a photo of a tree with its leaves turning orange for fall

Isn’t Autumn beautiful?

a photo of some cranberries withering on the bush during fall

We had this cranberry bush in our backyard my whole life and I have never tasted the berries. I’m not even sure if they’re the kind you can eat.

a photo of a light-up ceramic christmas tree

My mom found this Christmas tree thing at the dump. It think that it should have stayed there.

a photo of a "resurrect eggs" carton

I never opened this Resurrection Eggs thing, because the container was really grody-looking, but now I kinda wished that I had.

a photo of a brown toy car sitting on a brown boot

A brown car on a brown boot. WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!

Well, that is all for now. There will be more later. Instagram doesn’t let you right-click save photos, so this has been a really annoying process.