I don’t really trust other websites with my files, so I’m backing up my Instagram photos here. A lot of these are complete crap, but I was unable to decide on a methodology for determining which ones should stay or go, so I’m uploading them all.

I made this cake for my birthday. It had to be a gluten-fee cake, because my brother, Alex, has celiac disease.

I thought it was really weird just how straight this banana was.

It’s a USB to PS/2 adapter attached to a PS/2 to MIDI adapter. I couldn’t get anything to work when attached to this configuration.

Fun Fact: I passed out on a tour of the Forty Creek Distillery, because I had been fed recalled beef the night before. At least I didn’t die of listeria!

This is fleabane. It doesn’t really keep fleas away.

What’s the difference between a she-dagger and a he-dagger?

This is my first-ever arst-fartsy Instagram photo. DOESN’T IT SUCK?

These are some crude, yet mystical, digging tools.

The pig really ties this whole composition together.

I wonder where this bolt came from? Something probably has compromised structural integrity now.

The Eight of Cup tarot card means that we’re all doomed. DOOMED!

Who the Hell would want to buy a bunch of janky, old naked Barbies?

Yep. That sure is a box of bran flakes.

I have owned a lot of different pairs of glasses in my life.

Why am I so blind?

Isn’t Autumn beautiful?

We had this cranberry bush in our backyard my whole life and I have never tasted the berries. I’m not even sure if they’re the kind you can eat.

My mom found this Christmas tree thing at the dump. It think that it should have stayed there.

I never opened this Resurrection Eggs thing, because the container was really grody-looking, but now I kinda wished that I had.

A brown car on a brown boot. WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!
Well, that is all for now. There will be more later. Instagram doesn’t let you right-click save photos, so this has been a really annoying process.