Hey! Who wants to see some more of my terrible, terrible Instagram photography? Everybody! Everybody, that’s who!

This was from some weird project called “Chameleon Cars”. You were supposed to match cars with their surroundings. Well, you supposed to use actual cars. I used toy cars instead, just to be a smartass.

The grass had not been mown in a while…

I think that that volleyball was used once before it was thrown into a corner of the garage and forgotten.

You can sort of see me in the reflection there.

Bananaphone nearly drove our mother to murder us. Raffi is the devil.

Is orange soda or grape soda the greatest soda? I will drink both!

Gotta love that ring on the table…

My mom told me to decorate our family’s crappy fake Christmass tree, so I put my chili lights on it. She did not appreciate this.

And here is the same Christmas tree decorated “properly”. Bleh.

This a Real Ghostbusters toy. It’s much better than a Fake Ghostbusters toy.

These are the underpants I got for Christmas in 2012.

Hey, it’s the DSLR I got myself so that I could take better photos, but I still mostly use my crappy cellphone, because, unlike this big guy, I can fit a cellphone in my purse.

I broke the laces on one of my Doc Martens and the only laces I had to replace them were brown. I was so ashamed of myself.

This is a Chewbacca toy, I guess. I think… It might be a bootleg.

I saw this weird thing in a thrift store. It might be a candle holder? Anyway, the cats look like they’re doing a Nazi salute.

It’s a Darth Vader doll wearing bunny ears for Easter! Why is this a thing that exists? I blame Disney.

This is Thrills Gum. It tastes like soap. Don’t ask. It’s a Canadian thing.

These hardly tasted like Cadbury Creme Eggs at all.

I wonder, if you swabbed the seat on one these Walmart scooters, what kind of horrible germs would you find?

This was Easter Dinner 2013. It was very tasty.
Whelp, that’s all for this post. I think I’m going to limit the dumps to twenty photos. Yeah, that seems like a good number.