This is going to be my last Instagram Dump for a while, thank Satan. I hope you relish as much as I.
This is the stylus I use when I make stupid doodles on my cellphone.
This is from a sweater I was knitting in syncopated brioche stitch. It still isn’t done.
I thought this was a weird juxtaposition: Halloween stuff next to Christmas stuff.
I always drink tea out of a mug, instead of a cup. It makes British people angry.
I was proud of myself for getting this wrapper open all in one piece. Note: Reese Big Cups aren’t actually that big. They’re just the size that the cups used to be when I was a kid.
I photographed these rings at kind of a weird angle. They look all Dutch and stuff.
I ordered these Smarties Scaries to give out on Halloween, but they arrived well after, so I was forced to eat them all myself. It was awful.
This plubob USB drive/keychain came with The Sims 3 Collector’s Edition. It only holds 2gb, so it’s next to useless, but it sure is pretty.
I went through this phase where I kept having Dutch babies for breakfast. I really need to get a cast iron skillet to do them properly, though.
I really like taking kaleidoscope photos.
I really, really like taking kaleidoscope photos.
A large chunk was taken out of this wall when my mother dropped a piece of furniture out of the attic.
This lead represents Autumn.
This would have looked way better, if only my stupid phone could focus.
I own way too many EOS lip balms.
Getting artsy-fartsy with beer.
I love cooking chickens in my slow cooker. They come out very tender.
I usually put the chicken and the vegetable under the broiler, after slow cooking them, to crisp up the outsides a little.
This is a path that I dug through a snowbank. It was hard, because the only shovel I had at my disposal was a flimsy plastic one.
It snowed way, way too much. I don’t think it’s all going to melt until June.
That’s all for now. See you later. Or not.