What!? More photos from my Instagram account? What is this, some sort of miracle?

Welcome to Canada, where we put maple syrup on everything.

I thought that “Fashion Stamper Tampon Mode” sounded funny. I am a child.

This weird photo was for a project I ended up not doing. Hey, look, you can see me in the reflection on the TV screen.

I like buying those hanging baskets of pansies from the grocery store and murdering them through my horticultural ineptitude.

If you look closely, you can see a little bug dude hanging out in these blossoms.

These are pretty much the same as the previous crabapple blossoms, only these ones are more whiter and junk.

Wild strawberries are very tasty, but I like to leave them for the birds.

Lily-of-the-valley flowers are so cute. They smell good too.

I always thought that dandelions were very pretty and they’re much more interesting than a boring homogeneous lawn.

I totally forgot these flowers.

In certain suburbs, there are some many lilac bushes that the smell can become overpowering. I think it’s places where lots of old ladies live. Old ladies love lilacs.

I found this gross tick on my doggy. Apparently, you’re supposed save ticks that bite you or your pet, because they can autopsy them to look for diseases. It means that you have to keep a bag with a gross dead tick sitting around your house, though.

No Name does too make good food. I am not cheap or anyhing. *shifty eyes*

Is there a meat they can’t flake?

Yep. That sure is a crack alright.

Oranges are nutritious and junk. Is the nail on my thumb too long here? I don’t know from nail grooming.

These are crap for drawing with and crap for writing with.

Can you spot the deer in this field? I can’t.

My older brother got me this giant thing of cheese puffs from Target for my birthday, because my brother is weird. Anyway, there is no more Target in Canada, but I still have a bunch of their cheese puffs to eat.

Why are the zippers on things always breaking on me? These boots weren’t even that old. Is it because they’re using crappy nylon zippers, now, instead of metal ones?
20 more photos, but still many more to go…